Physics continues to address problems on the frontiers of human knowledge from fundamental particles and string theory to condensed matter physics and superconductivity, to optics and lasers, to cosmology and the shape of the universe as a whole. The answers to these problems have the potential to profoundly change our understanding of the universe as well as how we live in the future and are within the scope of the Physics programme at the SSE.

The undergraduate programme in Physics provides foundational education in the areas of Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics, Solid State Physics, General Relativity, Cosmology and Atomic Physics. In addition, the programme gives students exposure to modern experimental techniques through project oriented laboratory courses. It will give students an opportunity to contribute in cutting edge research. The undergraduate Physics programme prepares students for professional careers in industry and research institutes. It also provides the solid foundation necessary for further study in graduate schools leading to careers in research and/or teaching.

4 Years Degree Program { Bachelor of Science in Physics}

Total Credit Hours
130+ credit hours spread over 8 semesters.

F.Sc Pre-Medical /Pre-engineering/Computer Science or equivalent

B.S Physics is Equivalent:
MSc Physics (16 years education)